1/3 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup Manuka Honey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cups old fashioned oats
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup dried blueberries
1/4 cup shelled pistachios
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds (raw)
1/8 cup sunflower seeds
1/8 cup flax seeds
Line an 200x200mm (8×8″) baking tray with baking paper, enough so the paper overhangs the edges of the baking pan. This makes removing the bars a lot easier.
Add oats, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, dried cherries and dried blueberries to a large mixing bowl.
Toss to combine.
Combine peanut butter, Manuka Honey, salt, cinnamon and vanilla in a microwaveable mixing bowl. Microwave 30-40 seconds, or until honey is bubbling/foamy. Stir well to combine.
Pour melted peanut butter mixture over the dry ingredients and use a rubber spatula to stir it all together.
Transfer mixture to prepared baking pan. Top with a sheet of baking paper and press down firmly into an even layer. Really compact it well.
Refrigerate 2+ hours, or overnight.
Slice into 8 bars and serve.
We go for Manuka Honey in this recipe, to complement all the other health-giving ingredients and for its earthy taste. You can also use Rewarewa Honey for that full-bodied taste and the range of properties that it offers.